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Offensive content in the answer fields

Profile picture for user eglenarkeviciene

Egle Narkeviciene


Hi, I have a problem with the offensive content in the worksheet.

I sent the link to my students asking to do the task and got one worksheet with very unpleasant words about me. As they can sign any names, I cannot track the "criminal". Is it possible to track the IP in this website or something like that? I wrote to the support, however no answer.

Profile picture for user lweyand


United States

So sorry, students can be cruel. I'm not an expert, but as far as i know there isn't a way to track which student did it from within Liveworksheets, if --as you imply--that you just sent out a link to a single worksheet to all. (How do you give them a grade??) Perhaps try asking your IT people if they can track the IP address? However, you can prevent the problem in the future by putting worksheets into a workbook, creating a class roster, and then assigning that workbook to them. Makes everything trackable and gradeable, and you can see student results with their names either by class or individually.